In 2020 my weight pretty much stabilized at around 250lbs. I was still sugar free except for the occasional breakdown where I would allow sugar to sneak in but for the most part I stayed keto the problem seemed to be just consuming too much volume of food exceeding my expenditure. I tried various types and patterns of eating but in the end it pretty much stayed only plus or minus five lbs a never ending plateau.
I had for several years had this notion that when I got to 65 I wanted this problem done with but as 2023 arrived it was pretty self evident that by my birthday in August when I would turn 65 it wasn’t going to happen. In July I had a sort of breakdown of sorts, where I had bought a few illicit items and found myself trying to incorporate them in my diet. I would tell myself I’ll just have half a donut with my coffee and I’ll limit the cookies to just two a day and the like. Suddenly I said to hell with it and threw away the all illicit foods I had just bought. Breaking two lower middle class cardinal sins, wasting money and throwing away food. I also found myself feeling tired of the trying to find keto versions of recipes and just would eat only when I felt hungry of as simple a meal I could make and it seemed like I just didn’t care about it as much. I had been tracking my calories just trying to make sure I was getting enough protein and enough fat on top of that. As for the carbs it dropped to only about fifty to seventy a day and was pretty much all just from fajita sized tortillas. I thought if I give up these torts there won’t really be any need to count them and the protein rarely gets over 80 grams a day and the fat 70 grams a day so there was little point in counting them either. I threw away the remaining torts and said well I guess im carnivore since I’ve dropped everything else. I thought I would probably show some fat loss but was surprised it was ten lbs in a month. I felt like it was only because I was so burnt out and was eating only one minimal meal a day. I had not had a ten lb loss in so long it sort of pulled me out of my blue funk and found myself hungrier than I had been and began eating more calories again expecting it to just plateau on me as it had so many times before. I kind of also had a feeling that I wanted to see where this was going and at two months I had lost another ten lbs I felt like okay somethings different about this. All the cravings were completely gone hadn’t had anything illicit since my birthday and seemingly no desire to have them at all. So far I have been staying the course and it continues to be working. I have to be careful that I don’t just snack on meat and cheese between meals and just limit myself to two full meals. My weight now is at 230 and would like to see it below 220 by the end of the year.
I guess that sort brings up to today and my blog post now will be less history and more day to day analysis of what’s going on and what works and what is a problem.
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