Tuesday, February 20, 2024

February, starting a exercise routine and weekly fast

 It’s now the middle of February and I’ve made a few changes to my way of life. I finally started an upper body routine to complement my morning stretching routine. Just like my morning routine I do it every day. It consists of about thirty minutes of exercises with my chest expander set of springs. Right now the routine involves several exercise to target different muscles. I’m sure I’ll be making some changes as time progresses, in fact I’ve already made a few and will continue to improve it till I have worked all the kinks. I have some muscle soreness, so I know it’s doing something in a positive way. It’s beginning to warm up enough to add some walking to my weekly schedule as well. 

Last Sunday I tried an experiment in fasting for twenty four hours. After my meal on Saturday night I didn’t eat again till about the same time on Sunday evening. It wasn’t difficult but I was pretty hungry for the last couple of hours. I did have morning coffee but I left out the small amount of milk as I didn’t want any protein in my system at all. I did have butter as usual but since it has no protein it won’t break your fast. I think this could be a regular thing, sort of a end of week reset.

I’ve seen a slow loss of weight now down to 222 lbs. from 255 lbs. where I started. I’ve also seen a shift in body composition which leads me to believe there has been a gain of muscle accompanying the fat loss which doesn’t manifest itself in a change on the scale. I think by the end of February I’ll be back to a 34inch size in jeans which is a 10 inch loss from where I started.

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