Now it’s the middle of March and a few changes have taken effect. Firstly I’m now down to 217 lbs. so the weight loss is continuing. Secondly I have stuck with my evening exercise routine only interrupting it for one week, mainly because I knew it needed to be tweaked to make it more effective. As it was it wasn’t enough actual work involved, it needs to be strong enough that you feel it the next day and need that day of recovery before you go again. I upped up the number of springs and modified some of the exercises. I definitely felt it the next day but was recovered by the next evening to go again. I feel that I can go with it as it is and periodically increase the volume of exercises by either more reps or more sets until some time in the future when I can add another spring.
My Sunday fast is now working fine. In fact I kinda find it relaxing getting up and not even thinking about food the entire day, till I eat that evening meal. At first I feared I might over compensate and end the day with a oversized meal and stuff my self , but I just eat a regular meal and stop when I feel satiated then get up the next day to my usual routine.
I am going to make a change to my lifestyle by giving up all artificial sweeteners. It has been on my mind for some time that it was still feeding that need for a serotonin release. Yes it’s not the same as sugar it doesn’t have the insulin release but your brain still release the serotonin and the only reason your having it, so your still using as a crutch. So in a way it’s an experiment to see how I will respond going with no food related serotonin release. I’ll have to have my coffee with just butter and a touch of milk and either get used to the taste or drop it entirely. I’ll also have to drop all the artificial flavored and sweetened powders and squirts that i drink and replace them with only water or lemon water. I’m interested on not only how my psyche will respond to this change but also if it has any effect on my metabolism. It might turn out I have been hamstring my self all along, kidding my self that it didn’t matter since it doesn’t affect your insulin levels. I guess my next post in a week or so will tell the response and where I’ll go from there.