My last post was in December but I evidently forgot to publish it till January. Since the last post I have lost a couple more pounds even though I’m eating two full meals. I haven’t yet started on the new exercise routine but will do so starting tomorrow. I’m also ready to start walking. I have been using google maps to come up with several different locations to go walk and by using the measure distance feature I can create different patterns for different distances. The weather is always a factor which will limit me to when I can do it, but March is only six weeks away so the situation is improving every week.
Thursday, January 18, 2024
Back again and the start of the new year.
Well since my last post in the middle of November my situation sort of stabilized. I didn’t drop any poundage but I felt some changes in body composition. My morning exercise routine became easier and I felt like I was actually improving in terms of flexibility. Before I sort felt like I was just trying to keep from losing ground I feel like I’m gaining mobility and strength.
I did slip off the wagon a little bit at thanksgiving and Christmas but didn’t have any deleterious effects the next day so I felt good about that. I have been trying to determine what I could do to get back on the fat reduction and hopefully some increase in muscular situation. What I decided to do is opposite what I’ve done in the past, it never worked before so why should I follow that same path. What I would have done in the past would be to cut the calories and fat, instead I’m upping the protein to a minimum of 140grans a day and fat to a minimum of 100 grams a day. This represents about a 1500 kcals a day. In addition I’m adding an additional exercise routine at the end of day, not a stretching routine but a weight training routine involving my chest expansion springs at first and then moving on to a dumbbell routine. I may alternate them from one day to the next or begin with chest expansion routine and finish with the weight training. What I think is crucial ,that I haven’t done before, is to do it like my stretching routine and do it everyday with out even thinking about it, unless I’m feeling unwell or something. I’m thinking what will work best for me is to do it every night from around ten PM to about 11:30, which is how long I think it will take. Then I’m sure I’ll be good and ready to go to sleep. I’m going to follow the routine for a month before a reassessment at the end of January to see what I need to modify.
I also plan to post on this blog every week at least. By picking a day and just do it. Probably on Sunday’s but we’ll see. Not that I won’t post on some other day if I have something worth posting about, but at least one post a week.